General Preferences

Use this procedure to set the JPEG compression level used when saving pictures and to automatically receive notification when EasyShare updates are available.

1. In My Collection, choose Tools Preferences and then click the General tab.

2. Do the following as appropriate.

u Set JPEG compression level. By default, the JPEG format uses a compression level that balances both file size and quality, while retaining a good picture quality. To change the compression level, do the following.

u To produce a smaller file size, move the slider to the left. Increasing the compression level produces a smaller file size but results in a lower picture quality.

u To produce the best picture quality, move the slider to the right. Decreasing the compression level produces a larger file size but retains the best picture quality.

u Automatic notification of updates. By default, notification is sent when EasyShare updates are available. If you do not want to receive notification, clear the Notify me when updates to Kodak EasyShare are available check box.

3. Click Apply and then click OK.